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 With the New Year quickly approaching, people will be making their resolutions for 2019. Most everyone will have better health and or losing weight for their New Years resolution. The trouble many of us run into is we start eating better, join a gym and visit for maybe a month or 2 and then its right back to our old ways.

 The western diet is filled with hidden sugar and processed foods (yes even diet food) that are unhealthy and cause some of the modern diseases associated with poor health. The food companies have introduced us to Diabetes, inflammation and many other undesirable diseases. Large companies have introduced us to stress and toxic chemicals that wear on our bodies.

 Better health and weight loss starts from within ourselves and not  buying a gym membership and a new diet pill or program. You have to make up your mind to want to lose weight and not just talk about it. If your New Years resolution is to eat better and lose those extra pounds, then do something about it instead of just talking about it.

 The first step in weight loss is to get your mind conditioned to start your new healthy lifestyle. Many people skip this step and soon they return back to their old ways. Yes losing weight is hard work but so is anything in life worth having. You won't get your ideal weight by sitting on the sofa and taking the latest diet pill.

 Not only will you feel better and look better, but your mind will be prepared to help you keep the weight off. Change is hard for everyone and that is why you need to have a sound mind before you have a sound body. Click the psychology link to get started. Every journey starts with 1 step so get started now and get a jump on your New Years resolution.

You should consult a physician before any diet change especially if you are on medications.

The Psychology of dieting click here

Over 50 and over weight click here Thanks for reading,
Mark & Sherry Whitney
Healthy Meal Planning Click Here


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