Are You A Fat Girl Fed Up

When you walk into a room do people look at you funny or say snide remarks about your weight. I am sure ,you have heard lard ass, thunder thighs, hippo hips, fatty, tubby, porky and the list goes on. If you are over weight or have any sort of feature that makes you different from other people than you are a target for bullies.

I remember one time when I was at the mall and there was this fat girl walking around by herself because my guess would be she had no friends.She seemed to be in her own little world when a couple of kids said out loud, hey fat ass you want a candy bar. Evidently they thought a remark like that would have the girl eating out of their hand in no time.

 Much to the surprise of everyone she just ignored them and went about in her own little world. They followed her down the mall taunting her and calling her names. I was heading that way and heard every word they said. All of a sudden she stopped, turned to them and said, I may be fat but I can diet and you will always be assholes.

Those kids just stopped in their tracks and their jaws hit the floor. They were froze and did not have a reply at all. Everyone within an ear shot started laughing and cheered the girl on. She said tomorrow I am going to start a diet and when I get slim and good looking, you will be drooling.

If you have always wanted to slim down and have not been successful or you are finally ready to take the first step then now is the best time to start. Weight loss starts from the inside and works it way to the outside.

The first step is to pick where your starting place is going to be, because there are a lot of "Diet Plans" on the market. Everyone claims you can have the best results with their diet plan but everyone is different. You need a plan that fits your goals and what foods you like to eat.

We have designed our Hybrid Keto Diet with meals that are great tasting and will help you burn the fat. Your first stop is going to be getting your mind set for weight loss.

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