Losing Weight is Hard

Face the truth, losing weight can be hard to do. Most people who try to lose weight end up quitting before they see any results. When we first started on our journey to weight loss, those fat cells did not want to leave. Back in 2003 God laid it on our hearts to quit smoking cigarettes. At first it was a little challenging but as time went by it got easier. Now this was a good thing except for the warning people gave us about quitting smoking.

The word on the street was when you quit smoking you gain weight. We were always pretty thin and figured it would never happen to us. The next few years saw some weight gain but it was nothing serious. We had managed to add a few extra pounds to our frames so it was time to start eating better and exercise. It seemed to work for a few years but after a while some of the weight was sticking around.

We had lost our daughter all of a sudden in 2010 and this left a deep hole in our heart. We were sitting around depressed and started eating a lot. We needed something to do to take our mind off of our daughters death. For some time we have always wanted to have a little restaurant and  figured this was a great time to start one. We had some money saved up and found a great location or so we thought.

Things were slow at first and eventually started to pick up a little. We had time on our hands and started to experiment with new recipes. Not only did we hone our cooking skills but also honed our tasting skills. Let me tell you one thing about being a professional taster, It adds a little extra weight to your bones. Not only did we gain weight, but the fat cells also brought their whole family. It would of been fine had they not decided to stay and start multiplying.

We tried every diet plan under the sun with some success but the weight always came back. The Adkins diet seemed to work good at first but after a while the weight came right back. In the back of our minds we knew there had to be a better way of losing weight. With a lot of trial and error we finally discovered a plan that worked.

We found the keto diet and started losing weight right off the bat. The only trouble we found was some of the restrictions on the foods we could eat. We followed the keto diet and also added a little twist to it and we came up with the name Hybrid Keto diet.

We eat all the foods that are on the keto menu but also add some naughty foods to feed our junk food cravings. Not to worry though because the naughty foods are also good for you and fill your sugar cravings without wrecking your diet.

 Weight loss is not for the faint of heart, no it takes dedication and persistance be successful. Just like anything in life, if you want it bad enough you have work hard to complete your goal. That is why we started The hybrid Keto diet, to help those who can't seem to make any headway on meeting their weight loss goals.You get delicious Keto meals and some food for your sweet tooth that still helps you drop those unwanted pounds.

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